Thursday, January 29, 2009

A Parking Lot for Dogs is a ....

I regularly take our little puppers to the dog park where he AND I meet with friends and enjoy life for the day that is :) I love our dog park days!

Our favorite time of the day is to go in the afternoon and meet with an intimate group of regulars. I fit Boo in my bike basket - harnessed and secured to the basket itself. We have to coast down this long hill and tackle our way up another one before we get but five minutes to the park. Ah, I looove the burn and cool breeze.

I'll have to post pictures when I finally remember to bring my camera. I can't promise any sweet in-biking-action-shots, but it'd be a lot kewler if I did... hehe.
In the meantime, here's one of my fav pics of my puppers.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Black Tea

I have grown to love our morning routine to have a cup of black tea with a splash of milk and a scoop of sugar for Taylor :) I fell in love with tea when we visited his Grandma last summer - she would offer "a cup of tea" five times a day!

She visited this past Christmas and introduced our taste buds to what she considers better-tea-than-PG Tips - Yorkshire Tea.

I don't know if it's available here in the states but it gets our endorsement to try the tea if you ever see it on your grocery shelf. Once we run out of our stash, we may have to settle for the $8 pack of PG Tips sold at the English store ::sigh::

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


One of my ultimate goals in life is to live every moment in thoughtfulness.
Reading one of my great friend's blog made think of my goal and compelled to blog :)

All her blogs are always so thoughtful! It beats reading surveys with silly and seldom insightful questions and answers. I choose blog over surveys! Thanks Beebs.

I like to take her blog entries as shells. I like to relate and appreciate life through the scope of a teacher-to-be and recently married friend. It's filled with the cutest kid moments and gooobery stuff when she's adventuring with her hubby. Always a heart-warming-giggling-smiling time.