Friday, February 13, 2009

When You Smile on the Inside

Life is funny when you apply those generic sayings that you hear and somehow always apply: you can't expect someone to love you unless you love yourself first, the pursuit of money and happiness do not always go hand in hand, etc. I love all the cheese and true meaning you can find in these type of things. I posted something similar that talks about why people are in your life and I wanted to share an example that I chose to apply to in my life.

I have a co-worker Juliette who has been an INCREDIBLE challenge for me. She has been rude, disrespectful and insulting throughout her employment. As a Supervisor I have had to deal with the attitude and constant battles. Assuming I'm a generally amicable person, I have been completely frustrated in trying to address and improve the work dynamic between us. It doesn't matter now because I have put in my two weeks and I believe she has too - for different reasons on both our parts not related to our relationship.

Taylor and I met our new neighbor who just moved in last night as her mom helped move her in. Her name is Juliette :) Haha and she is INCREDIBLY friendly. I laugh and smile to think that the reason I had my challenge with Juliette to simply appreciate and adore our new neighbor that much more. Haha and I am completely fine to think that because it's those retrospective moments and thoughts that life is made of.

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