I just wanted to introduce my babies to you all as they are very near and dear to me :)
- JoMar (right). A bit of algebra now -------> danJO + MARites = JOMAR
My aunt (mom's sis) is MARites, which is prounounced Muh-ree-tes. Her husband is DanJO, which is just really an awkward combination. Put them together and you get JOMAR. - Franchesca (left). Her nickname is Caca because Jomar couldn't say her whole name. It's the best nickname ever :) Cacacacacacaca!
- JoMar is turning 3 this November. Since both fams live in the same house (extended family living is very common among filipino families), his best friend is Caca and he looks over her like a brother. Unfortunately, he gets placed in front of the t.v. all too often, and as a result, is very much a media baby -- not the best way to develop a baby. However, it makes for some great laughs and good times as follows:
- He'll dance his lil toosh away to mostly any kind of music.
- He'll sing along with lots of the filipino t.v. jingles and songs.
- He'll imitate the "ahhhh" sound of refreshment after drinking water
- Caca is turning 2 this November. As the typical development of children, she looks up to JoMar and follows everything in his suit. She's super shy at first, but when she gains her level of comfort and security she's a BLAST. She's super giddy, itty bitty, and full of smiles and laughter.
1 comment:
They are too freaking cute! I heart Jomar's witch hat.
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