Departure Time: 10:30pm
Land in Boston for Layover @ 6:37am
Connection Flight to London @ 8:00am
**Airline: American Airlines
Given the travel itenerary, Tay and I decided to get ALLLLLLLL caffeinated up on Starbucks and so we could stay awake on the first leg of the trip to Boston, crash on the second leg, and be ready to be up and running for when we land..... of course our plan would've worked out... IN A PERFECT WORLD. So the drama fo yo Momma ensued.....................
We stayed awake for the most part, and Tay only slept for mebbie a couple hours at the end :) I spent the time endulged gluttonously watching Shrek 3 and random tv series. What else is there to do when you're on a plane? =P We land in Boston around 6:30am and hear about an "EXTENSIVE FLIGHT DELAY" saying that we need to report to checkstand 39 as the flight has been rescheduled to 8:00pm. Wow. After some run around and the worst customer service ever, Taylor and I decide to make the best of the situation and venture into town. Line of the day was from some man we had asked for help. After asking if he know how we could get into town, he retorted, "Waddu I loowk like -- a toowrist boof?" He said it just like that. Taylor and I were left with this expression -----> O_O
As a matter of fact, I would probably summarize our experience during this layover with two things: O_O of the people we ran into and <^>O_o<^> for American Airlines (never again). Too much coffee, rude people, hunger pains, fatigue, and Taylor with shorts in the rain is what you get in the pictures that follow:
We went into Boston Square and made our way over to HARVARD. OoOO La la :) I thought of Mr. Kephart, of course, and we took one final pic at the entrance before giving up on visiting the town. Take note of Taylor's lovely red blanky he jacked from the airline, and my stylish new travel pillow that I've inflated and am proudly sporting ^_^
** <^>O_o<^> American Airlines**
Only you Jovie, only you would sport a blow up travel pillow in the middle of the Harvard campus...
Now that I've actually gone and installed AIM just to be able to talk to you, why don't we try Thursday night (10/19) 4pm~8pm California time? my sn: churamori
Jove, I've been revisiting hoping to hear more Euro stories. Don't keep your audience waiting too long. :)
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